High Frequency/ Sight Words: According to the Teacher's College Reading and Writing Project, students are expected to begin the year knowing 25 high frequency words (also called sight words) and end the year knowing 200! The ability to read these words automatically is critical for advancement in reading levels. In the tab labeled 'High Frequency Words' on the blog's homepage, I have attached a link to lists of the first 200 high frequency words put out by Teacher's College.
Phonics Skills: The Fundations reading program is used here at Thorpe. From Kindergarten through first grade, students use the same language to learn their letter sounds and phonics patterns. In coordination with what is being taught in the classroom, I will review and provide practice with these skills as needed.
Time in Books: Children need to spend time in books to learn high frequency words in context and also to learn what to do when they get to a word that is unknown to them. Students also need be able to build meaning as they read. More time in books means more practice decoding words, memorizing words, applying phonics skills, and making meaning.
According to the DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) text level gradient, First Grades should be no lower than a reading level 3 at the beginning of the year, and work their way up to a level 16 by the end of the school year.
While the reading goals for first grade require a lot of work, the payoff can be truly rewarding! I love celebrating student progress and making sure that students are proud of what they have accomplished.
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