First Steps

The four main skills that I will be working on with my Kindergartners are; first sound fluency, letter identification, phoneme segmentation, and nonsense word fluency.  These skills are necessary building blocks for students working to become successful beginning readers.  These skills are monitored regularly through the DIBELS assessment.

Here is a breakdown of these 4 skills:

First Sound Fluency - the ability to isolate the beginning sound of a word. For example, if I said
"flag", the first sound would be /f/.

Letter Identification - this skill is exactly what it sounds like.  Students need to be able to identify and name uppercase and lowercase letters, given out of alphabetical order, upon sight.

Phoneme Segmentation - the ability to break a word down into individual sounds.  For example, if I said "jump", the correct response would be /j//u//m//p/.

Nonsense Word Fluency - the ability to read 2 or 3 letter non-sense words with a CVC (consonant vowel consonant, i.e. mip) or VC (i.e. ec) patterns.  By having students read these words, I can evaluate letter/ sound correlation and student ability to blend sounds together.

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